Yes, like the backstreet boys before me, I am back. Not in black - but more often I hope. My dad's promised me that this year I will have a chance to get my points across at least once a week. I'll start with a bit of a catch up.
2009 wasn't a great year for me, well it was but then it was horribly tarnished by my grandad dying in November. It came as a great shock to me and mam and dad. I rarely see my dad cry, but he did loads. He didn't even seem hungry or need to go for a wee like I do when I cry. He is still very upset but he seems to be doing ok. I lick his face to cheer him up.
Glad I've got that out of the way, because - in general - I have a very happy life. My mam and dad have been busying themselves making a huge mess in our house. This seems to be sorted now and the inside of my front room is a different colour and has paper on some bits of the walls. Doing it made my dad swear a lot. I don't know why they bother - as long as the heating's on and I get walked I'm as happy as Larry. That said, I'm being walked a little too much in this cold weather. I tried to have a word with my dad and say that I'd just go to the toilet nicely on his carpet so we don't have to get cold but he seems insistent. The snow doesn't even put him off. My mam bought me a Parka so I wouldn't complain. Dad keeps saying that I'm like a rugby ball and I need to lose something called weight. Lord knows what that is but if it involves squirty cream and cheese I don't see how I can lose it if they don't give me it anymore. And WHAT is a diet? They seem to be rubbish. So, all in all, January seems to be crap. Cold, busy and less time for cuddles that I'd like. perhaps that will change soon?
Christmas seems to be the absolute opposite of January. I loved it. I got a Santa outfit and a Parka and loads and loads and loads of treats. I had chocolate, and cream and cheese toasties galore. It was great. It was a little bit sad that my dad wasn't around. I miss him when he's away - but he had to go to Oban in Scotland to be with his family. I stayed at my nana Nixon's with my mam loads though and it was great. She really spoils me and I get to play with uncle Monty every day. Aunty Sara and Flossie were there too and they pat me loads and let me sleep on their laps. Why is it not Christmas every day? It seems great, people seem to be happier for it. I get more things. Perhaps January is the Yin to Advent's Yang.
Humans seem to get less to wear for Christmas than I do. My dad only seemed to get books. One on cards and one on watches and one on feminism. Lord knows what that is. Maybe he's trying to learn what it is. My mam got this massive twangy thing. She calls it a harp but it seems to be a twangy noise maker to me. It makes a bad noise at the minute but it needs something called 'tuning'. When they get the 'tuning' for it it might be better. Perhaps soothing. We'll see.
I've got loads more things to talk about but my dad wants to be on my computer so I best dash. I'll try and get some photos up for my next posting, and some links to other blogs I like and all that proper stuff. I'm gonna take this blogging thing a lot more seriously in 20-10.
Bye like.
Tee Zee
Hey Toby. Very good post. What do you want to do today?